+49 40 37 08 83 10

VMware NSX: Install, Configure, Manage

This comprehensive, fast-paced training course focuses on installing, configuring, and managing VMware NSX™. This course covers NSX as a part of the software-defined data center platform, implementation use cases along with features of NSX, and functionality operating at Layer 2 through Layer 7 of the OSI model. Lecture and hands-on lab activities support the student’s understanding of VMware NSX features, functionality, and ongoing management and control.

  • Describe the evolution of the software-defined data center
  • Describe how NSX is the next step in the evolution of the software-defined data center
  • Describe data center prerequisites for NSX deployment
  • Configure and deploy NSX components for management and control
  • Describe basic NSX layer 2 networking
  • Configure, deploy, and use logical switch networks
  • Configure and deploy NSX distributed router appliances to establish East-West connectivity
  • Configure and deploy VMware NSX Edge™ services gateway appliances to establish North-South connectivity
  • Configure and use all main features of the NSX Edge services gateway
  • Configure NSX Edge firewall rules to restrict network traffic
  • Configure NSX distributed firewall rules to restrict network traffic
  • Use role-based access to control user account privileges
  • Use activity monitoring to determine whether a security policy is effective
  • Configure service composer policies
Anmeldung Kategorien 407 Suche Gebühren Veranstaltungsorte 31 Veranstalter 3

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