+49 40 37 08 83 10

VMware vSphere Fast Track

This intensive, extended-hours course combines instructor training with hands-on labs to focus on how to install, configure, manage, and troubleshoot VMware vSphere® 6, including VMware ESXi™ 6 and VMware vCenter Server™ 6. This course combines the content of the VMware vSphere: Install, Configure, Manage course with troubleshooting skills needed for maintaining highly available and scalable vSphere environments. Students gain practical experience with these concepts through the completion of hands-on labs.

Completion of this course satisfies the prerequisite for taking the VMware Certified Professional 6 – Data Center Virtualization (VCP6- DCV) exam.

  • Deploy an ESXi host and create virtual machines
  • Deploy a vCenter Server instance or VMware vCenter™ Server Appliance™
  • Configure and manage the vSphere infrastructure with the VMware vSphere® Client™ and the VMware vSphere® Web Client
  • Configure virtual networks with vSphere standard switches
  • Describe and use a content library
  • Migrate virtual machines with VMware vSphere® vMotion®
  • Use VMware vSphere® Storage vMotion® to migrate virtual machine storage
  • Use VMware vRealize™ Operations Manager™ to identify and solve issues through analytics and alerts
  • Manage VMware vSphere® High Availability and VMware vSphere® Fault Tolerance
  • Use VMware vSphere® Replication™ and VMware vSphere® Data Protection™ to replicate virtual machines and perform data recovery
  • Use VMWare vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler™ clusters to improve host scalability
  • Use vSphere distributed switches to improve network scalability
  • Use VMware vSphere® Update Manager™ to apply patches
Anmeldung Kategorien 407 Suche Gebühren Veranstaltungsorte 31 Veranstalter 3

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+49 40 37 08 82 98

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